Road Mapping

Create a Road Map

In the last module, you applied the social triple-layered business model (TLBMC) to your organisation.

When applying both the environmental and social TLBMC to your organisation in Modules 3 and 4, you probably identified key areas of your organisation where you might make changes to help your organisation deliver greater environmental and social regeneration.

Within this module you will construct a strategic road map. This will help you decide which changes you might make next and in what order. Helping you to develop and implement future action plans to make these changes happen.

Your Strategic Plan

Use the template below to create your road map. You can print it onto A3 and use it like a jotter or complete it as a fillable pdf to plot how/ when you can increase your delivery of environmental and social regeneration.

Link to Blank Road Map Template.

Follow these simple steps to help you:

  1. Look back at your environmental and social BMCs from Modules 3 and 4.
  2. Choose five key changes you wish to make.
  3. Consider which sequence they need to be completed in.
  4. Think about a realistic timeframe for each action. Try to get a balance between being ambitious and realistic.
  5. Complete your road map.


If you need help, have a look at the Road Maps below that have been completed for Origin Coffee:

Link to Origin Coffee Road Map Template Strategic Overview

Link to Origin Coffee Road Map Template Net Zero by 2030

Part funded through the European Social Fund (part of the European Strategic Investment Framework) for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

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